Role Play...Invasion!!!

                           ROLE PLAY.  INVASION!!!  GROUP ACTIVITY.  2º  ESO

In groups of five you choose one of the options below. One of you will take notes, another will be the spokesperson, and the rest of the group will advise the spokesperson on what decisions to make.


 Vikings ships are coming through the river. Your group lives in a small village along the riverside. You and your family are in danger.
What should you do?


1. Get away. Escaping is the only way to survive a Viking invasion.
2. Defending our village. Our belongings will be destroyed if we leave them.
3. Send a message to our Lord who lives in a castle near the village.
4. Go to the church to pray. A church is a sacred place which they will not attack.
God will listen to our prayers.
5. Join the invaders. We must give them information about how to conquer our lord’s castle.

ADVANTAGES                      DISADVANTAGES                     CONSEQUENCES


What did you choose? Explain your choice to the other groups. The spokesperson, helped by the rest of the group, must justify your reasons for that choice.  

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